State Resident Policy

Legal residence in the state of Georgia requires not only recent physical presence in Georgia, but also the element of intent to remain indefinitely. Each school has the responsibility of evaluating each application while each student has the responsibility of conveying current and accurate residency information. This information is used in determining the appropriate fees to be paid by each student.

To be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, an individual must show that he/she has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of no less than 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration.

A. Georgia Residency

1. Dependent Students:

  • A Dependent Student meets the Georgia Residency Requirements, for purposes of this procedure and the related policies, if his or her Parent has established and maintained Domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the school term for which the student is seeking in- state tuition, and
  • Such student graduated from an Eligible High School located in the State of Georgia; or
  • The Parent claimed the student as a dependent on the Parent’s most recent federal income tax return.
  • A Dependent Student meets the Georgia Residency Requirements, for purposes of this procedure and related policies, if a United States court appointed Legal Guardian has established and maintained Domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the school term for which the student is seeking instate tuition, provided that the appointment was not made to avoid payment of Out-of-State Tuition.

2. Independent Students:

  • An Independent Student meets the Georgia Residency requirements, for purposes of this procedure and the related policies, if he or she has established and maintained Domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the school term for which the student is seeking In-State Tuition.
  • It is presumed that no Independent Student shall have gained or acquired Georgia Residency, for purposes of this procedure and the related policies, while attending a TCSG college without clear evidence of having established a Domicile in the State of Georgia for purposes other than attending a TCSG college.

B. Retaining Georgia Residency

  • Dependent Students: If the Parent or United States court-appointed Legal Guardian of a Dependent Student who was correctly determined to meet Georgia Residency requirements for the purposes of this procedure and the related policies, establishes Domicile outside the State of Georgia, such student shall continue to retain his or her status as a Georgia Resident, for purposes of this procedure and the related policies, as long as such student remains Continuously Enrolled in a TCSG college.
  • Independent Students: If an Independent Student who was correctly determined to meet Georgia Residency requirements, for purposes of this procedure and the related policies, temporarily relocates outside the State of Georgia, but returns to the State of Georgia within 12 months, such student shall retain his or her status as a Georgia Resident, for purposes of In-State Tuition.

C. Eligibility for Out of State Tuition Exemptions:

  1. Students in the following classifications are eligible for Out of State Tuition Exemption. These exemptions do not affect the student’s eligibility for the HOPE Scholarship or Grant, except for exemptions for military personnel and their dependents as provided for in the GSFC regulations:
    • Employees, their spouses, and their children who move to Georgia for employment with a new or expanding industry as defined in OCGA 20-4-40;
    • Full-time employees of the Technical College System of Georgia, their spouses, and dependent children;
    • Full-time teachers in a public school, a military base, or a public postsecondary college, their spouses, and dependent children;
    • United States military personnel stationed in Georgia and on active duty and their dependents living in Georgia;
    • United States military personnel, spouses and dependent children reassigned outside Georgia, who remain continuously enrolled and on active military status;
    • United States military personnel and their dependents that are Domiciled in Georgia, but are stationed outside the State;
    • Students who are Domiciled in out-of-state counties bordering on Georgia counties and who are enrolled in a Technical College with a local reciprocity agreement;
    • Career consular officers and their dependents that are citizens of the foreign nation, which their consular office represents, and who are living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments. This exemption shall apply only to those consular officers whose nations operate on the principle of educational reciprocity with the United States.
    • Members of a uniformed military service of the United States who, within thirty-six (36) months of separation from such service, enroll in an academic program and demonstrate an intent to become domiciled in Georgia. This exemption may also be granted to their spouses and dependent children. This exemption also applies to recipients of transferred GI Bill® benefits who within thirty-six (36) months of the transferor’s separation from the uniformed military service of the United States enroll in an academic program and demonstrate an intent to become domiciled in Georgia. An individual or former service member so described retains the exemption if enrolled at the expiration of the thirty-six month window and remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks) and uses educational benefits, even if the student enrolls in multiple programs.
    • Students using transferred GI Bill® while the transferor is on active duty who demonstrate an intent to become domiciled in Georgia and students using the Marine Gunnery John David Fry Scholarship who demonstrate an intent to become domiciled in Georgia.
    • Students who are described as covered individuals in 38 U.S.C 3679(c).
    • Students who are dually enrolled and participating in Dual Enrollment.


Out-of-state tuition may be waived for exceptions as defined in this policy. Exceptions include:

  • Employees and their children who move to Georgia for employment with a new or expanding industry as defined in Georgia Code 20-4-40;
  • Non-resident students who are financially dependent upon a parent, parents, or spouse who has been a legal resident of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration; provided, however, that such financial dependence shall have existed for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of registration;
  • Full-time employees of Georgia’s technical schools, their spouses, and their dependent children;
  • Full-time teachers in the public schools of Georgia or in the University System and their dependent children.
  • Teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia qualify for this waiver;
  • Military personnel and their dependents stationed in Georgia and on active duty;
  • Military personnel and their dependents who are legal residents of Georgia, but are stationed outside the state.
  • Military personnel, spouses, and dependent children reassigned outside Georgia, who remain continuously enrolled and on active military status.
  • Other options see Office of Admissions or State Policy.