Academic and Student Support Services


Southern Crescent Technical College has bookstores located on its Griffin and Flint River campuses. The bookstore has an online store which carries textbooks for the current semester and general merchandise options. Please visit for the online bookstore.

Our Griffin and Flint River bookstores sell new and used books, study aids, school supplies, special program supplies, and school paraphernalia. Purchases may be made by check, cash, credit card, and Apple/Samsung/Google Pay.

All refunds, exchanges, or returns on textbooks only must be done within ten (10) days of purchases. The original receipt is required for all refunds or returns. All textbooks must be in the original, unopened condition as purchased. Unopened electronics can be returned or exchanged within ten (10) days of purchase. All returns/exchanges must be accompanied by a receipt. Technical support or assistance is provided by the manufacturer of the product. All other sales are final.

Used textbooks may be resold to the bookstore during the designated buy-back period if the bookstore has a need for the book.

Career Services

The Career Services Office provides students and alumni with the tools to be successful in their job search during their academic tenure and after graduation.  Our staff provides resources in career planning, resume writing, job search, and interviewing strategies that enable students/ alumni to be successful in the search for employment.  We integrate current technology with in-person interaction, enabling students and alumni to build the skills and relationships they need to successfully compete in the job market.

Through FOCUS 2, Career Services supports students in preparing for and making informed decisions about their academic and employment plans.  Using this online career and educational planning tool, students are able to self-assess their skills and relevant personal qualities to explore career fields and major areas of study that are most compatible with their assessment results.

We connect job seekers with employers by hosting career fairs and facilitating on-campus recruitment events.  Each year, many local and national employers recruit on campus and hire our students.  Students and alumni are also able to connect with employers through TIGERLINK, SCTC’s online career services manager.  TIGERLINK provides job seekers with employment opportunities in industries that correlate with programs offered at Southern Crescent Technical College.

Child Care Center

Tender Tech Child Development Center, a program of Southern Crescent Technical College, is located on the Flint River Campus in Thomaston, Georgia. Tender Tech is a Georgia Quality Rated Center. Tender Tech provides a safe, nurturing, and interactive environment for children that fosters a desire to learn and promotes developing a foundation for a lifelong educational experience. Tender Tech uses Creative Curriculum, which is a hands-on, child-led curriculum. Our teachers write individual weekly lesson plans based on children's learning styles. Teachers provide parents with an assessment of their child's progress twice per year based on the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards.

Tender Tech Child Development Center offers services to Southern Crescent Technical College students, faculty, and to the general public on a space-available basis. Tender Tech also has a Georgia Lottery Pre-K that is available to all children who are 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the school year. Call (706) 646-6200 for information.

Tender Tech Child Development Center is fully licensed to operate by Bright from the Start Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.

Computer Labs

Computers are available for student use in the Griffin Campus Library and Flint River Campus Library.  The Henry County Center (Building A) has a computer lab available for student use.  Students have access to all online library resources and printing (at each location.)

Computers and printers are used for completing course assignments and other related academic purposes. A variety of software is accessible including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and an assortment of educational software. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis during regular library operating hours. Currently enrolled students have priority over others. Students must have a valid student ID to access the computers.

Numerous other computer labs are used for instructional purposes. Students may check with instructors for available computers during regularly scheduled class time or at the end of the school day. Students may use these computer labs, if a college employee is present.  Students receive a printing allotment of 100 free pages per semester.  There is a charge of 10 cents per page after they have exceeded the 100 free pages.  Color printing is available at the Griffin campus at a charge of 25 cents per page.

Disability Services

Southern Crescent Technical College provides support services for students with disabilities. These services ensure program accessibility and reasonable accommodations to individuals defined as disabled under Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A disability is defined as any condition that substantially limits one or more of life’s major activities. “Major activities” include such functions as self-care, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, or working. The condition may be permanent or temporary.

In order to receive accommodations, it is the student’s responsibility to self-disclose this disability to the Special Services Coordinator. Written documentation is required by licensed personnel and must not be more than three years old from the date of request. Students must notify the Vice President for Student Affairs or the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator at least thirty (30) days prior to entering the desired semester if reasonable accommodations are requested that require equipment, resources, material, or personnel. Requests for accommodations totaling over $500.00 may require a 60-90-day notice.

For more information on Disability Services, contact the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator: (Serving students attending classes at the Griffin Campus, Butts County Center, Henry County Center, and the Jasper County Center) Special Services Coordinator, Teresa Brooks, Griffin Campus, Room 6B, 501 Varsity Road, Griffin, Georgia, 30223; (770) 228-7258, or or the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator: (Serving students attending classes at the Flint River Campus, Mary Jackson, Flint River Campus, Room A252,1533 Highway 19 South, Thomaston, GA 30286, (706) 646-6224,

  • Americans with Disabilities Act - Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act provides comprehensive civil rights protection for “qualified individuals with disabilities.”
  • Qualified Individual

A qualified individual with a disability is one who meets the essential eligibility requirements for the program or activity offered by a public entity. The essential eligibility requirements will depend on the type of service or activity involved. The ability to meet specific skill and performance requirements may be “essential”.

Title II covers public entities, which include any state or local government and any of its departments or agencies.

  • Complaints

Any individual who believes that he or she is a victim of ADA discrimination may file a complaint outlined in the grievance section of the Student Handbook addressed to:

ADA/Section 504 Coordinator: Special Services Coordinator, Teresa Brooks, Griffin Campus, Room 6B, 501 Varsity Road, Griffin, Georgia, 30223; (770) 228-7258, (Serving students attending classes at the Griffin Campus, Butts County Center, Henry County Center, and the Jasper County Center) and Mary Jackson, Flint River Campus, Room A252, 1533 Highway 19 South, Thomaston, Georgia, 30286; (706) 646-6224, (Serving students attending classes at the Flint River Campus).

Any complaints filed against the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator on any campus/center shall be handled by the Vice President for Student Affairs, Xenia Johns, 501 Varsity Road, Griffin, Georgia, 30223, (770) 228-7371.

Library Services

The Library provides resources and services promoting the development of academic foundations, employability skills, and technical fundamentals for all program areas. There are two library locations: Griffin Campus and Flint River Campus.  The library houses over 42,000 volumes in a growing collection related to the academic and personal needs of faculty and students.  The collection also includes audiovisual materials, electronic databases, and subscriptions to over 200 periodicals and newspapers and over 430,000 electronic books. GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online), a collection of online databases and LibGuides, a list of online research guides is available to students both on and off campus.  The library’s catalog is fully automated for user convenience. Off-campus access to GALILEO requires a single sign-on which is the full student email address and password. 

Library services available include reference service, library research instruction, and Internet access.  Both locations provide student computers that are available for printing, word processing, GALILEO, or other Internet use during all hours the library is open.  Interlibrary loans are available through OCLC WorldShare ILL and TCSG Library TechShare. The library also holds reciprocal borrowing agreements with Clayton State University, Gordon College, and all other TCSG campus libraries.  Librarians are available to provide information and reference services including both formal and informal instruction in the use of library resources.  A photocopier is available for student use.

Library staff is available to assist students with library policies, procedures, services and information literacy skills.  Student users must present a valid College ID in order to borrow books and use the computers.  A limited number of computers are available for guest access.  Please contact the library for specific information and details about the hours of operation.

Special Populations Services

Special Populations Services are available to support and serve the following students: individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults; individuals preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; out-of-workforce individuals; English learners; homeless individuals; youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system; and youth with parents on active duty in the armed forces. 

Students with disabilities should contact Teresa Brooks, Special Services Coordinator and Interpreter at or 770-228-7258.

Economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults are persons receiving some type of cash assistance such as PELL, WIOA, TANF, or Vocational Rehabilitation support.

A student in a non-traditional program is a student who has chosen to enter training in a field that is dominated by persons of the opposite sex, such as a male in nursing, or a female in automotive technology.

A single parent is a person who has primary or joint custody of a dependent child, may be divorced, widowed, legally separated, never married, or a person who is single and pregnant. 

An out-of-workforce individual is a person who has not been employed outside of the home, recently suffered loss of income, or recently lost a spouse/partner.

An English learner’s primary language is not English or has limited ability to write or understand English.

Special Populations Services offer a wide range of support services that may include books, program tools, mentoring, and community resource referrals.  The program also provides workshops and seminars that deal with life management and employability skills.  Learning Support services are available for Special Populations students as well.

For more information, please email


TEAMS provides faculty members the ability to create an alert for a student who is at risk of not being successful in a course. Early alerts are submitted by full-time and part-time faculty and are categorized as Academic Concerns, Attendance Issues, or Personal Hardships. The intent is to identify students who are not attending class regularly, struggling academically, encountering personal hardships, or are in need of academic and non-academic supportive resources to succeed. The Alert Management Team will contact students directly by phone and email, and attempt to provide timely intervention that will address barriers to students’ success. 

Tiger Assistance Program (TAP)

The Tiger Assistance Program (TAP) is a confidential counseling program designed to help students and family members with personal problems or mental health issues that may interfere with academic performance and family life. For more information, contact Espyr at 866-734-3890, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for 365 days a year.

TigerCARE Team and Concerning Behaviors

The TigerCARE (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation) Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated and planned approach to the identifying, preventing, assessing, managing, and reducing interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of Southern Crescent Technical College students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone in the college community.

Individuals can submit referrals in the following ways:

  • Submit an online report: Concerning Behavior Form
  • Contact a TigerCARE Team Member
  • Contact Campus Safety and Security (listed at the top/side of this page or at
    • Anonymous referrals can be submitted by phone, email, or by submission of a Concerning Behavior Form.

For more information or to report a concerning behavior, contact the Director of Student Support Services at (770) 229-3409.

Tutoring and Mentoring Center

The Tutoring and Mentoring Centers are designed to provide assistance to students in achieving their academic goals. Tutors provide additional instruction in the areas of math, English, and reading. Peer mentors provide support to students in a variety of subjects and general work ethics and study skills. Services are free to all enrolled students. The Tutoring and Mentoring Centers also offer workshops, activities, and resources designed to promote academic excellence and a sense of academic community among students and faculty. Consult the Tutoring and Mentoring Center for more information on tutor and peer mentor availability, as well as more information on how you can become a volunteer peer mentor.

Contact Information:

  • EMAIL:
  • PHONE: Griffin: 770-229-3078; Flint River: 706-646-6397; Henry: 770-914-4418

Veterans Assistance

Veterans’ assistance is available to qualified veterans and dependents of disabled or deceased veterans. Applicants needing information about VA Education assistance may contact the Southern Crescent Technical College VA Certifying Official at (770) 229-3095, Mobile 6A, Griffin Campus or the Veterans Administration at 1-888-GIBILL (1-888-442-4551).

Recruitment and Enrollment Policy

Scope and Purpose

Southern Crescent Technical College (SCTC) strives to be an institution of high integrity and is committed to ensuring that recruitment and enrollment activities conducted at the college promote such an environment.  SCTC adopts this policy to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations.  All SCTC divisions, departments, schools, officials, faculty, and staff are subject to and must comply with this policy.Federal law, regulations, and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) prohibit SCTC from providing incentive compensation to employees and third parties based, in any part, on their success in securing student enrollments or awarding Title IV, HEA program funds.


  1. A "commission, bonus, or other incentive payment" means a sum of money or something of value, other than a fixed salary or wages, paid to or given to a person or an entity for services rendered.
  2. "Securing enrollments or the award of financial aid" means activities that a person or entity engages in at any point in time through completion of an educational program for the purpose of the admission or matriculation of students for any period of time or the award of financial aid to students.

These activities include contact in any form with a prospective student, such as, but not limited to - contact through preadmission or advising activities, scheduling an appointment to visit the enrollment office or any other office of the institution, attendance at such an appointment, or involvement in a prospective student's signing of an enrollment agreement or financial aid application.

These activities do not include making a payment to a third party for the provision of student contact information for prospective students provided that such payment is not based on:  (1) any additional conduct or action by the third party or the prospective students, such as participation in preadmission or advising activities, scheduling an appointment to visit the enrollment office or any other office of the institution or attendance at such an appointment, or the signing, or being involved in the signing, of a prospective student's enrollment agreement or financial aid application; or (2) the number of students (calculated at any point in time of an educational program) who apply for enrollment, are awarded financial aid, or are enrolled for any period of time, including through completion of an educational program.

  1. "Entity or person engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid"  means:  (1) with respect to an entity engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid, any institution or organization that undertakes the recruiting or the admitting of students or that makes decisions about and awards Title IV, HEA program funds; and (2) With respect to a person engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid, any employee who undertakes recruiting or admitting of students or who makes decisions about and awards Title IV, HEA program funds, and any higher level employee with responsibility for recruitment or admission of students, or making decisions about awarding Title IV, HEA program funds.
  2. "Enrollment" means the admission or matriculation of a student into an eligible institution.
  3. An "inducement"  means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item have a monetary value or more than a de minimis amount to any individual, entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing forms.


In accordance with federal laws, regulations, and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), SCTC prohibits the payment of any commission, bonus, inducement, or other incentive payment based in any part, directly or indirectly, upon success in securing enrollments or awarding financial aid to any persons or entities, engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, decision-making regarding the award of Title IV, HEA program funds.  This prohibition shall apply to SCTC itself as well as any third party contractors.

SCTC employees and third party contractors shall refrain from using high-pressure recruitment tactics intended specifically to secure military enrollment, such as making multiple (three or more) unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in-person.  SCTC shall also refrain from engaging in same-day recruitment tactics and registration for the purpose of specifically securing military enrollments. 

Deferment of Schedules for Chapter 31 and 33 Students

Students using Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) or Chapter 33 (the Post 9/11 GI Bill®) benefits are permitted to attend or participate in the course of study beginning on the date on which the student provides to the Southern Crescent Technical College (SCTC) a Certificate of Eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.  SCTC will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees or the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other college facilities. SCTC will not require any student who is using Chapter 31 or 33 to borrow additional funds due to the student’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to SCTC due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs under Chapter 31 or 33.

Students must submit their Certificate of Eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance no later than the first day of a course of study for which they have indicated they would like to use their educational benefits and provide a copy of their schedule to the Veteran’s Center located in mobile unit 6A on the Griffin Campus or call 770-229-3095. A student is then protected in his or her courses while the Veterans Administration processes payment to SCTC. This benefit is afforded to the student as long as he or she is receiving benefits under Chapter 31 or 33. Students are responsible for notifying the college school certifying officer if his or her schedule should change. Failure to do so could cause an overpayment of VA funds.