General Education Degree Requirements

This page provides a list of General Education Degree Requirements. May vary slightly among majors.

General Education Degree Requirements 

Course Course Title Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites
Area I: Language Arts/ Communication ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric P: Reading and Writing scores
ENGL 1102 Literature and Composition P: ENGL 1101
COMM 1100 Human Communication P: Reading and Writing scores
SPCH 1101 Public Speaking P: Reading and Writing scores
Area II: Social/Behavioral Sciences ECON 1101 Principles of Economics P: Reading, Writing, and Math scores
ECON 2105 Macroeconomics P: Reading, Writing, and Math scores
ECON 2106 Microeconomics P: Reading, Writing, and Math scores
PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology P: Reading and Writing scores
SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology P: Reading and Writing scores
POLS 1101 American Government P: Reading and Writing scores
HIST 1111 World History I P: Reading and Writing scores
HIST 1112 World History II P: Reading and Writing scores
HIST 2111 U.S. History I P: Reading and Writing scores
HIST 2112 U.S. History II P: Reading and Writing scores
Area III: Natural Sciences/ Mathematics BIOL 1111 Biology I P: Reading and Writing scores   C: BIOL 1111L
BIOL 1111L Biology I Lab P: Reading and Writing scores   C: BIOL 1111
CHEM 1151 Survey of Inorganic Chemistry P: MATH 1111   C: CHEM 1151L
CHEM 1151L Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab P: MATH 1111   C: CHEM 1151
CHEM 1211 Chemistry I P: MATH 1111   C: CHEM 1211L
CHEM 1211L Chemistry I Lab P: MATH 1111   C: CHEM 1211
PHYS 1110 Conceptual Physics P: MATH 1111 and ENGL 1101   C: PHYS 1110L
PHYS 1110L Conceptual Physics Lab P: MATH 1111 and ENGL 1101   C: PHYS 1110
MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling P: Math scores
MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning P: Math scores (lower score required than for 1111 or 1101)
MATH 1111 College Algebra P: Math scores
Area IV: Humanities/ Fine Arts HUMN 1101 Introduction to Humanities P: ENGL 1101
MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation P: ENGL 1101
ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation P: ENGL 1101
ENGL 2110 World Literature P: ENGL 1101
ENGL 2130 American Literature P: ENGL 1101
THEA 1101 Theatre Appreciation P: ENGL 1101

P = Pre-Requisites: Courses that must be completed with an A, B, or C as the final grade and/or are requirements that must be fulfilled prior to the beginning of the course.

C = Co-Requisites: Courses that may be completed during the same term.

Students may not use one general education course to fulfill two requirements for the degree. For example, if a student’s program of study requires six general education courses, the student must take six different general education courses for the degree.