PPFT 1030 Socket and Butt Weld Pipe Fabrication

Provides instruction on socket and butt weld pipe fabrication and instruction on excavations and underground pipe installation. Topics include: types of sockets, weld and butt weld materials, pipe length determination between socket weld and butt weld fittings, prep and assembly requirements, selection and installation of backing rings, alignment procedures, OSHA standards for shoring materials, shoring systems, hydraulic vertical shore installation, determination of sewer line fall, trenching grade and elevation, backfilling procedures, identification of underground piping materials, classification and installation procedures, and horizontal directional drilling. Labs will demonstrate ability to fabricate socket and butt weld fittings to pipe, proper installation of backing rings, vertical shoring, proper trenching techniques grade elevation of sewer line and backfilling, and use of various types of material for underground piping.




Program Admission


COFC 1080 - Construction Trades Core

Lab Contact Hours


Lecture Contact Hours


Total Contact Hours