HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally): Georgia’s unique scholarship program that rewards eligible students’ hard work with financial assistance in degree, diploma, and certificate programs at any eligible Georgia public or private college, university, or public technical college.

Hybrid Class: A class in which face-to-face interaction in the classroom is replaced in part with web-based technologies and web-assisted learning tools.


Incomplete: Incomplete: A temporary grade of “I” given to a student whose performance in a course is satisfactory but is forced to miss a major exam or assignment at the end of the term due to illness or other emergency. The instructor and student arrange how and when the student will complete the missed assignment(s) and have the grade of “I” changed to a final lesser grade. The “I” completion deadline is marked on the SCTC college calendar and is usually within the first month of the next semester. Students must complete all work in time for the instructor to submit a grade change by the “I” deadline. If the student does not meet the deadline, the “I” grade will convert to an “F” on the student’s transcript.


Major: A specialization in one academic program or field of study.

Midterm: The middle of the semester. Midterm can also refer to an examination given in the middle of the semester.


Nontraditional Career: A career in which one gender makes up less than 25% of the total number of workers. Examples are males in nursing or childcare professions and women in automotive or distribution management professions.

No Show: Any student who does not attend a face-to-face class or who does not log into an online or hybrid class will be marked as a No Show. The deadline for instructors to report No Shows is usually at the beginning of the second week of the term. Students will not be charged for a class that marks them as a No Show. Students are not allowed back into a course once they have been No Showed.