Orientation: Need-to-know information about the College, student policies, and services. Sessions are scheduled on specific registration days. New students are required to attend.


Practicum: A course that includes job-related activities and stresses the practical application of theory in a specific field of study.

Prerequisite: A course that must be completed (usually with a minimum grade of “C”) or a skill that must be demonstrated before a student can enroll in a more advanced course. A prerequisite can also be a minimum score on an entrance exam.


Refund: Tuition and fees that are paid back to a student who has withdrawn from a course. The amount of the refund depends on how many credits the student is enrolled in for the semester and exactly when the student withdrew from the course

Registered: Using BannerWeb to sign up for the classes that you want to take. You register for classes after you have been advised.

Registration: The time when you meet with an advisor and register for your classes.

Resident: Someone who has lived in Georgia for a specified length of time as shown by specified types of evidence. A student’s residence status can be used to calculate the amount of tuition and fees.


SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress): All students receiving federal and/or state financial aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress in accordance with federal and state regulations. Students are responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of progress regarding quality and quantity of work. To maintain eligibility for financial aid at Southern Crescent Technical College, students must successfully complete 67% of all courses attempted and make satisfactory progress towards graduation and maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Student Email: When you are accepted to the college, you are automatically given a student email account. The College uses the student email to notify students of many things; therefore, students are expected to check their email regularly.

Student ID: When you apply to the college, you are assigned a Student ID number. The Student ID is used to access BannerWeb, purchase books in the bookstore, and more. The number will also be used to look up your student record.

Syllabus: An outline for a specific class that includes textbook requirements, class meeting dates, grading standards, etc.


Transcript: An official record of all courses a student has taken at SCTC and the grade for each course; degrees, diplomas, and certificates earned; and any awards or honors received by the student. The term “official transcript” indicates that the transcript was issued directly to someone other than the student (i.e. another college if a student transfers from SCTC to a four-year college or university).


Web-Enhanced Class: A class in which online course activity complements face-to-face class sessions without reducing the number of required class meetings.

WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act): A federally funded program that expands education and training options for qualified candidates.

Withdraw: If you decide that you do not want to take a class, you have three (3) days from the beginning of the semester to withdraw. If you withdraw after the third day, you are still responsible for tuition and fees. You must withdraw by dropping the course online through BannerWeb or with the Academic Affairs Office.