PN21 Practical Nursing Certificate, Technical Certificate of Credit

Offered at the Griffin and Flint River Campuses

Program Entrance Term: Fall, Spring
Minimum Length of Program: 3 terms
Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation: 49

Program Description

The Practical Nursing program is designed to prepare students to write the NCLEX-PN for licensure as Practical Nurses.  The program prepares graduates to give competent nursing care.  This is done through a selected number of occupational courses providing a variety of techniques and materials necessary to assist the student in acquiring the needed knowledge and skills to give competent care.  The nursing program covers all theoretical content areas outlined in Georgia Board Rule 410-9-06 (5a & 5b).  A variety of clinical experiences is planned so that theory and practice are integrated under the guidance of the clinical instructor.  Program graduates receive a Practical Nursing certificate and have the qualifications of an entry-level practical nurse.  The PN21 program is a certificate program to be implemented with new cohorts of students beginning Fall 2024 and beyond.  Students most commonly will have to submit a satisfactory criminal background check as well as a drug screen to be placed in a clinical health care facility to complete the clinical rotations of their educational training.


The Practical Nursing program at Southern Crescent Technical College at the Griffin and Flint River Campus located in Griffin, GA and Thomaston, GA is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Practical Nursing program is initial accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at

ACEN Logo 2 

Program Outcomes Data

College Admission Requirements:

Prospective students entering all degree, diploma and certificate programs must do all of the following:
• Complete Application for Admissions ($25 Non-Refundable Fee).
• Provide Official Final High School transcript (including graduation date and diploma type).
• Submit all Official Final College transcripts (if you wish to transfer credits).
• Submit sufficient assessment
• Proof of US Citizenship and Proof of GA Residency.

Admission Requirements

• Submit completed application and application fee
• Submit official high school transcript or GED transcript with test scores and ALL post-secondary transcripts in an official sealed envelope
• Meet assessment requirements
Upon admission to the College, practical nursing students are placed in the Health Care Assistant certificate while working on program admission requirements.
The curriculum includes instruction in the areas of anatomy and physiology, drug calculations, administration of medications, nutrition and diet therapy, nursing ethics, patient care in a variety of fields and settings, patient wellness, prevention of illnesses, and skills.
Applicants must meet general admissions requirements as well as the following minimum requirements. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program:
• A minimum of 25 percent of the program must be completed on the campus intended for graduation.
• Have completed the nationalized admissions testing for nursing and achieved a minimum score as designated by the program faculty.
o Submit current HESI A2 scores (minimum score of 60 is required for this program).
o Scores cannot be older than one year at the time of application
o Program applications received outside of the deadline will not be accepted.
o Please note! meeting requirements does not guarantee admission into the nursing program.
o Classroom spaces will be filled using the highest scores downward until the maximum enrollment total is reached.
o The student’s application date will break any tie
o Application date is defined as the date when the student has their major listed as PN in Banner.
o All applicants will be notified of their program acceptance status 3-4 weeks after the PN program application acceptance deadline. All acceptance / denial emails will be sent to the student’s Southern Crescent Technical College email account.

Candidate Selection

Selection of candidates for each practical nursing class will be based on a competitive admissions process. The following criteria will be used:
• Submit current HESI A2 scores (minimum score of 60 is required for this program). Scores cannot be older than one year at the time of application.
Note: If a student changes his/her declared major from practical nursing to a different diploma or degree program, and then back to practical nursing, the latest program application date will be used to determine placement.
• If the student is not accepted and wishes to apply for the next class, the student must submit a new PN Program application and test scores during the next application period.
• There is no waiting list for this program.

Once accepted into the Practical Nursing program, the student must complete all heath requirements as described by participating clinical sites, including, but not limited to, a criminal background check, drug screening, and health screening.
There is no waiting list for the program. Applicants who are not selected must notify the Practical Nursing program staff by submitting another application if they wish to compete for admission into the next cohort class. Grading standards for practical nursing courses are very stringent. Students must maintain a minimum grade of C for progression to the next course of study.
The College accepts credit from the College Board's College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). A grade of EXP is assigned for awarded CLEP credit. Quality points are not awarded for CLEP, therefore, courses with CLEP credit are not calculated into the GPA during the competitive admissions process.

Readmission Policy

Readmission into the Practical Nursing program following withdrawal or first-time failure will be based on the following:
• Proof of previous program course completion of less than six months.
• Submission of a letter for consideration. The letter must state why you were not successful on your first attempt, what has changed, and how you plan to be successful if accepted back into the program.
• Successfully complete written comprehensive examinations for each previously completed practical nursing course with a minimum of 80 percent.
• Readmission will be based on available space within the classrooms and clinical sites. Students who do not successfully complete the Practical Nursing program after two attempts, whether at this college or at another college, will not be readmitted into the program.
• A student must complete another criminal background check, drug screen, and health screen as designated by participating clinical sites.
• The required nationalized test score cannot be greater than one-year old at the time of application for readmission.
• A student must complete the program sequentially to be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN).

Approximate additional costs other than tuition, fees, and textbooks

HESI A2 (Program entrance exam)  $105.00 
Equipment/supplies $700.00
Uniforms $175.00
Licensing exam $300.00
Liability insurance $60.00
Medical fees/background check $350.00
CPR $5.50
Nursing pin $40.00
Nursing cap $15.75
Nursing lamp $7.25
Nursing tote $100.00
ACEMAPP $50.00 per year
ATI   $700.00 per semester (total - 3 semesters)

The following is a required path to complete this program in a timely manner. An individual’s path to completion may be different based on institutional and personal factors affecting his/her academic progress.

Note: While all courses are offered, they may vary by term and campus. See the program advisor for any questions.

Contact Us

Denise Eady, RN


Phone: 770.229.3225


FALL Program Entrance


PNSG 1600 Introduction to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations


PNSG 1605 Fundamentals


PNSG 1610 Adult Health Nursing I



PNSG 1615 Adult Health Nursing II


PNSG 1620 Adult Health Nursing III



PNSG 1625 Adult Health Nursing IV


PNSG 1630 Mental Health Nursing


PNSG 1635 Maternal Nursing


PNSG 1645 Practical Nursing Capstone


*Note: A new PN cohort begins every fall and spring on the Griffin and Flint River campuses.

SPRING Program Entrance


PNSG 1600 Introduction to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations


PNSG 1605 Fundamentals


PNSG 1610 Adult Health Nursing I



PNSG 1625 Adult Health Nursing IV


PNSG 1630 Mental Health Nursing


PNSG 1635 Maternal Nursing



PNSG 1615 Adult Health Nursing II


PNSG 1620 Adult Health Nursing III


PNSG 1640 Pediatric Nursing


PNSG 1645 Practical Nursing Capstone


*Note: A new PN cohort begins every fall and spring on the Griffin and Flint River campuses.