LB13 LPN Bridge RN Option

Offered at the Butts Center, Griffin Campus, Fayette Center, and Jasper Center

Program Entrance Term: Spring
Minimum Length of Program: 3 terms
Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation: 67

Program Description

The LPN/Paramedic to RN Bridge Option, Associate Degree Nursing Program provides Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Paramedics with 1 year in field experience to become safe practitioners in the delivery of health care. The curriculum provides a strong foundation in the practice of nursing and prepares the student to function safely within the framework of the registered nurse role. Throughout the program, students integrate classroom theory with clinical experiences that are related to the theory component. Nursing education incorporates effective therapeutic communication techniques, critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills, and the development of sound nursing judgment. Clinical experiences are selected to provide the associate degree nursing student with the greatest opportunity to become clinically competent. The ultimate goal of the faculty is to prepare the student to become a safe practitioner of nursing who will be an asset to the nursing profession and continue his/her professional growth and development. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Upon successfully passing the NCLEX-RN and meeting the requirements of the Georgia Board of Nursing, graduates are granted licensure to practice nursing in the state of Georgia as registered nurses.

Program graduates receive an Associate of Science (ASN) degree. Graduates are then eligible to apply and take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).

Upon successful completion of the NCLEX-RN and licensure by the Georgia Board of Nursing, graduates are employable as registered nurses in a variety of settings.



The Associate of Science in Nursing program at Southern Crescent Technical College at the Henry and Flint River Campus located in McDonough, GA and Thomaston, GA is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate of Science in nursing program is initial accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at
ACEN Logo 2 
Program Outcomes Data

College Admission Requirements: 


Prospective students entering all degree, diploma and certificate programs must do all of the following: 

Program Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet general admission requirements, as well as the following minimum requirements:

  • Submit current, unencumbered Practical Nursing or Paramedic License with the program application. Applicant must be licensed for one calendar year (365 days) at the time of application submission.
  • The student will be responsible for making sure that all transcripts are received by the college and evaluated by the College Registrar by the application deadline. 
  • Program applications received before the application period or after the application period deadline will not be accepted or considered for admission. 
  • Applications for spring admission are accepted October 1-31 of each calendar year for Griffin Campus and Fayette Center. Application for fall admission are accepted June 1-30 of each calendar year for Butts Center and Jasper Center.
  • If the student is not accepted and wishes to apply for the next class, the student must submit a new ASN Bridge Program application and HESI A2 scores during the next application period. 
  • There is no waiting list for this program. 
  • The College accepts credit from the College Board's College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). A grade of TR is assigned for awarded CLEP credit. Quality points are not awarded for CLEP, therefore, courses with CLEP credit are not calculated into the GPA during the competitive admissions process.

Note: Grading standards for the Nursing degree Program are very stringent. For students to progress to the next course of study, a minimum grade of “C” must be achieved in every Nursing degree course. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 to remain in the program.

Candidate Selection

  • Selection criteria based on a formula using the combined information:
  1. GPA (minimum 2.5 required for general education and occupational courses)
  2. HESI A2 score (minimum of 70 required to apply to the nursing program)
  3. Program application date

Meeting requirements does not guarantee admission into the nursing program. Nursing Program Application dates vary. Please consult with an Allied Health Advisor or the Allied Health Programs office for more information.

  • Classroom spaces will be filled using the highest scores downward until the maximum enrollment total is reached.
  • The student’s application date will break any tie.
  1. Application date is defined as the date when the student has their major listed as ASN in Banner.
  2. All applicants will be notified of their program acceptance status 3-4 weeks after the LPN/Paramedic Bridge Program application acceptance deadline. . All acceptance/denial emails will be sent to the student’s Southern Crescent Technical College email account.

Note: If a student changes his/her declared major from ASN Program to a different diploma or degree program, and then back to the ASN program, the latest program application date will be used to determine placement.

Readmission Policy

If a student withdraws for any reason, the student may be allowed to re-enter the program the following year at the point in which the next class begins based on space availability. The student must reapply for program admission and compete with other Nursing program applicants. THIS COURTESY IS EXTENDED ONLY ONCE.

The student must:

  • Submit a new application to the LPN/Paramedic Bridge program. 
  • Submit a plan of action for success upon returning to the LPN/Paramedic Bridge program. 
  • Successfully complete written comprehensive examinations for each previously completed RNSG course with a minimum of 80 percent.
  • Successfully complete drug calculations examination with a minimum competency of 90 percent.
  • Successfully complete skill check offs. Deficiencies will result in the student repeating appropriate course/courses.
  • Complete another criminal background check, drug screen and health screen as designated by participating clinical sites.
  • Students who do not successfully complete the ASN program after two attempts, will not be readmitted into the program again.

Approximate additional costs other than tuition, fees, and textbooks

HESI A2 (Program entrance exam)


ATI (part of curriculum)






Liability Insurance






Student Advantage

$78.00 +



Graduation fees


The following is a suggested path to complete this program in a timely manner. An individual’s path to completion may be different based on institutional and personal factors affecting his/her academic progress.

Note: While all courses are offered, they may vary by term and campus. See the program advisor for any questions.

Contact Us

Erin Jones, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, Program Coordinator


Phone: 770.412.5781


Program Courses

First Term

ENGL 1101Composition and Rhetoric


PSYC 1101Introductory Psychology


BIOL 2113Anatomy and Physiology I


BIOL 2113LAnatomy and Physiology Lab I


Natural Sciences/Mathematics elective—Choose one: (Required)

MATH 1101Mathematical Modeling



MATH 1103Quantitative Skills and Reasoning



MATH 1111College Algebra


Total Credit Hours:3

Second Term

ENGL 1102Literature and Composition


PSYC 2103Human Development


BIOL 2114Anatomy and Physiology II


BIOL 2114LAnatomy and Physiology Lab II


Humanities/Fine Arts elective—Choose one: (Required)

HUMN 1101Introduction to Humanities



MUSC 1101Music Appreciation



ARTS 1101Art Appreciation



ENGL 2130American Literature



THEA 1101Theatre Appreciation


Total Credit Hours:3

Third Term

RNSG 1024Transitions to Professional Nursing


RNSG 1025EMR Documentation


RNSG 1027Nursing Pharmacology



Fourth Term

RNSG 1028Nursing Concepts I


RNSG 2025Family Nursing


Fifth Term

RNSG 2026Mental Health Concepts


RNSG 2027Nursing Concepts II


RNSG 2035Capstone Nursing



If necessary, Learning Support courses should be completed during the first semester.